Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail...
Fleeing an abusive relationship, Mila, a teen prostitute, finds herself in a border town, pregnant, alone, and, to her surprise, welcome. The remote...
Mila from Mars
The historical facts in Asia Minor, in the years 1920-1922, are told through the life story of a young Greek woman.
The Seventh Sun of Love
A new teacher - Marina - arrives in a small Pomak village in the late 1960s. She is a woman trying to live and think independently. Marina finds...
Burn, Burn, Little Fire
Seven-year-old Dodo comes to his grandmother's village for the summer, where he meets a young woman who talks to animals. Friendship with her and a...
A Talk with Birds
Dimka is a married young woman who has everything: a new house and a car. But she is unhappy. She meets Grigor, who is different from the others. He...