The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true...
Laurence Anyways
Two old friends and small-time crooks embark on a crime spree, but take an unexpected detour that could lead them down the road to redemption.
Route 132
Tired of rough winters, a Quebec family buys a motel in south Florida. But life is not easy down where motels grow faster than grass. Two bigger...
La Florida
At the trial of a judge who was found with a prostitute, a list of clients pops up. It contains the names of some very influential judges and...
Black List
A writer, Kamouraska is based on a real nineteenth-century love-triangle in rural Québec. It paints a poetic and terrifying tableau of the...
1980 Canadian film.
La revanche de Madame Beauchamp