A web film produced as a continuation of the television series, which focuses on the supporting characters' side stories. "Lovers Across Space" is...
Lovers Across Space
Shi Mei is tasked to protect the girl her Shixiong likes. She ends up falling for her along the way.
Help, I Accidentally Stole My Shixiong's Crush!
She gets left to train with her shijie and gets the chance to capture her heart. It's hitting two birds with one stone.
Xiaoshimei's Strategy Guide for Winning Her Shijie's Heart
She loves watching her. She loves admiring her. Their lives become intertwined but then something happens.
The Young Master and the Tea-Picking Girl
Lies upon lies, a scorned lover decides to take revenge.
You Were Once My Light
The everyday heroine suddenly becomes a protagonist of several famous stories. Heroines of China, there's nothing they're too delicate for.
I Became the Protagonist of a Quick Transmigration Novel???
The princess and the swordsman are always at each other's throats.
I've Saved You Once Again, Little Princess
Unknowingly saving the mountain god she devoutly worships, novice healer, An Qi, tries to nurse the god back to full health.
The Tribulation of the Mountain God
There are four ancient Beauties: a female warrior Liu Rusi, a sentimental winebibber Chen Zilian, a startling geisha Li Mengying and a prodigal...
Timeless Romance
European mercenaries searching for black powder become embroiled in the defense of the Great Wall of China against a horde of monstrous creatures.
The Great Wall
Oh My General Ⅱ