This seemingly peaceful world is not just inhabited by humans. All along, the little demons and fairies in the world have been living among us in...
Fantasy Magician 2
In a drifting village that advocates racing, a whimsical rural wasteland car race, a sinister conspiracy of evil villains, and the awakening fight of...
Flying Scrap Car
Zhang Sanye, the descendant of Guanshan Taibao, went to Longtang Township with his apprentice at the invitation of his junior brother He Laodao. In...
Coffin Mountain Ancient Tomb
During the WWII Japanese invaders carried out a "sweep" on the Jizhong Plain. Progressive young man Ye Cheng returned from studying in Peiping and...
Rabbit Hole
Chronicles of the Nine Heavens
A struggling circus crew gets deceived by its former partner, as it embarks on a tour in Thailand. During the journey through a Southeast Asian...
It tells the story the obsessive and sadistic relationship between the banshee Xiao Rong and scholar Wang Huai Qing which opens a period of human...
Painted Skin
A strange incident occurred somewhere in the Northeast, and all the sheep of the villager Xie Yifei disappeared overnight without a trace. His plan...
What Are You Looking At? Alien
Forensic doctor Qing Ling travels to Sheung Shui village to look into and investigate the true events behind her brother's disappearance. The...
Water Monster 2