Stane, the owner of an inn on the outskirts of the city, also known for his love of helping others, late one night serves a young girl who turns out...
The Girl Without a Name
Pianist Mojca is afraid to get into deeper relationship with her partner Tomaž due to her fear of pain. It takes place at a point where a...
Her Child
Felix Langus is increasingly obsessed with the idea of communicating with supernatural forces, which warn him of the great peril of danger. Attacks...
The Case of Felix Langus or How to Seize Freedom
The drama is inspired by Cankar's work "In the Gorge".
Hill of the Poor
A group of nine friends go to the mountains of Triglav in seek of Morana, goddess of death. And end up being killed one by one.
An (un)ordinary day of an (un)ordinary family without hands.
Chichibio and the Crane
Peklenski načrt is a Slovenian Fiction TV Film. Featuring Andrej Miljković, Katarina Čas, Maja Medvešek. It is defined as a...
The Infernal Plan
L.V. Strocki is a traveling film projectionist in the best years. He is a representative of the first generation who watched partisan films, lived to...
Desperado Tonic
In the revolutionary year of 1968, Stane is an active rebel student. Mojca is a freshman, has a boyfriend named Vid, whom she met at the carnival...
December Rain
Bevant is a freak who wanted to remain faithful to himself, and therefore, in contrast to most, he remained a farmer.
Love, Kranj Style
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of...