Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and...
Тревожные ночи в Самаре
A 30-something single mother must find adoptive parents for her son when she founds out she has an incurable illness in this family drama.
I'll Be Around
He considered his family life perfect. Normal, and sometimes big wages quite satisfied a beautiful and gentle wife. The child didn't cause much...
The Wife Has Left
Made for Russian television version of the Invisible Man, based on the novel by H. G. Wells.
The Invisible Man
The main character, whose life seemed to have lost all meaning, suddenly receives an inheritance abroad. This leads to the most unexpected...
Winter Cherry 3
Olga, is a young intelligent woman who raises a young son. She ends up falling in love with a married man who does not dare to leave his family.
Winter Cherries
The teleplay was based on V. Mayakovsky’s poems “You!”, “Listen!”, “Conversation with Comrade Lenin” and...
A young fitter at a bus stop accidentally pushed a girl, and she fell. This is how they met, although both are dating their other halves. One day, he...
To Be Happy!
A beautiful blonde is killed in the women's restroom of a bar-restaurant; after a long and dangerous chase, the murderer-motorcyclist manages to...
Flight 8585
Way Home