An unconventional day in Nicola’s life, which begins at the eye doctor’s and takes him around the city, his eye bandaged like a...
A Day in the Life
The love story of two youths during the 1700s. Fabrizio, a boy who was supposed to be a noble and part of Napoleons army, and Clelia a beautiful girl...
La Chartreuse de Parme
The tragic coming-of-age story of a boy who takes his experiences to the point of seeking death, only to be reborn. His favourite poet chose death,...
La vita oscena
In every man there lies a woman who can be awakened. The prohibited book De Serpentis Munere. Alchemical formulae able to change male DNA in female....
The Serpent's Gift
Tommaso has just left his first wife but he will meet a new person who will change everything in his life.