A post-apocalyptic thriller set in the ruins of a collapsed America, Refuge follows a family’s struggle to survive and rebuild a life in the...
After losing his vision in a terrorist bombing, renowned photographer Frankie West closes off from the world, eventually forcing his frustrated...
After the Sky Turned Black
Chronicles the struggles of a family trying to stay alive in the wake of a deadly and catastrophic virus that has brought America to its knees. In...
American Apocalypse
Columbus has made a habit of running from what scares him. Tallahassee doesn't have fears. If he did, he'd kick their ever-living ass. In a world...
Aspiring artists gather to celebrate a human sacrificing winter solstice holiday, to make their dreams come true.
In 1949, Alice Mitchell works as a prostitute on the street. After her situation worsens, she unsuccessfully attempts to reconcile with her estranged...
Nothing Like The Sun
Ben and a mysterious girl from his past must prevent an alien threat from destroying the world.
Ben 10 Alien Swarm
Amidst many distractions, Samantha struggles to find her voice recording a new song. She encounters a mysterious stranger who reminds her of why she...
So It Goes
A singer-songwriter chasing fame and a journalism student researching his thesis are drawn into a sinister underworld as each attempts to discover...
The 27 Club