The film revolves around iconic musician Trịnh Công Sơn and the muses that have come and gone in his life, from his passionate youth...
Em and Trinh
Escape from HK
In 1954, Thanh, an architect, returns to live in the family house he resided in before the war. He suggests that Quy, a comrade from his regiment and...
A Love Trap
A Love Will Come
A mentally challenged man spends his days working as an artist's model and visiting the now-occupied house of his childhood, where his beloved guava...
The Guava House
The film is set in the winter-spring battle that lasted 60 days and nights from late 1946 to early 1947 in Hanoi, the story follows the militiaman...
Peach Blossom, Pho and Piano
Chiến Dịch Trái Tim Bên Phải