A documentary based on Avantasia's Around the World in Twenty Days world tour, Avantasia's first world tour. Released in conjunction with the...
Around the World in Twenty Days - The Movie
The Flying Opera is the first Avantasia live album by German power metal vocalist Tobias Sammet, released in March 2011. It was recorded during their...
Avantasia - The Flying Opera: Around the World in Twenty Days
Live DVD released in 2003 by the metal band Shaman.
Shaman: RituAlive
The Making of "The Source"
The Scarecrow is a concept album about the tragic story of a lonesome creature, emotionally isolated from his environment and suffering from a...
Avantasia - The Scarecrow
This year Tobias Sammet's Avantasia will once again bring us an amazing all-star show with many famous musicians. Furthermore we can proudly say that...
Avantasia Live At Wacken Open Air
Edguy: Superheroes