After his mother dies, Sequan, a sensitive teenager from Brooklyn, moves in with relatives living in a small town plagued with secrets hidden deep...
Rivers Wash Over Me
Two friends discover they have supernatural powers stemming from an ancient, magical race of beings, and they must use their new-found abilities to...
Draconis Olim
Masquerading as another man, Antoine flies to New York for a three-day stay and promptly falls in love with Alice, who's dating someone else. When...
A NY Thing
During this course of time, a young substitute teacher becomes assigned to a school where most of the children were wayward, going down the wrong...
A Sub in the Brick City
Amber is a young woman gripped by despair and thinks her life is pointless. What she doesn't know (but will soon discover) is that she's needed by a...
Saving You, Saving Me
A puzzle of dark secrets surfaces when a pastor inherits a church from his mentor.
Dwellers: The Curse of Pastor Stokes