Adèle Hugo, daughter of renowned French writer Victor Hugo, falls in love with British soldier Albert Pinson while living in exile off the...
The Story of Adele H.
On a festive spring day in 1940, two young quan họ singers fall in love. But their relationship is soon ruthlessly disrupted by class...
Until We Meet Again
At Bertrand Morane's burial there are many of the women that the 40-year-old engineer loved. In flashback Bertrand's life and love affairs are told...
The Man Who Loved Women
A WWI veteran decides to build a memorial to all of the people who have mattered to him but are now dead.
The Green Room
Claude Massoulier is murdered while hunting at the same place as Julien Vercel, an estate agent who knew him and whose fingerprints are found on...
Confidentially Yours