An Army unit comes to a local village in Kerala because of a terror threat. The plot revolves around the lives of the people and the army and their...
The intense rivalry between two police officers—CI Jayashankar and SI Karthik takes a dark turn when a body is found in Jayashankar’s...
Achu (Gopal) and Kichu (Vasudev), hailing from a hamlet in Kumarakom live by their dream of owning a geared bicycle. In their journey towards their...
Gold Coins
Two brothers – Michel Rajamma (Kunchacko Boban) known as Rajamma and Vishnu Yohannan (Asif Ali) known as Yahoo. They are born to the...
Rajamma @ Yahoo
The movie revolves around the family of Aby. His wife Sara, and their daughter Riya . Aby is a bank employee. Sara was brought up in an orphanage...