Set in the 1880's, a rich young man from the middle class falls in love with the daughter of a local count and sets in motion a series of conflicts...
The Revolutionary
A deliberate injustice forces an orphaned music student to leave home, only to land a job as a pianist for an affluent woman's canaries. Now, it's...
The 201 Canaries
When an industrialist's wife and kids are kidnapped by terrorists in Greece, the woman's ex-husband comes to the rescue with a plan involving hang...
Sky Riders
Η Θυρωρίνα
The stranger of that night
Οι ένοχοι
The last goodbye
The Miracle Worker
Manolios decides to quit working on a ship and return to Crete so he can marry his beloved one, Lenio.
Έμπαινε Μανωλιό
A corpse is found at Anna's home, and she must explain the criminal investigator how she spent the night. And one story leads to another.
Her Private Life
Greek drama
Η λιτανεία των ηρώων