A drama between people under unconventional circumstances. In the Second World War Finland was the only nation who brought casualties...
Emma and Joel get dumped by their partners on the same day, and when they meet each other they think they're a perfect match. Emma discovers she is...
Playing Solo
Heavysaurs is a partly-animated, live-action family adventure about two kids who find five funny dinosaur creatures that love to eat and play rock...
Heavysaurs: The Movie
PJ, a struggling screenwriter and his best friend Jami, a successful car dealer, are fed up with how painfully stuck their heads are in their ways....
The Mushroom Trip
A young and ambitious civil servant Jussi finds himself being in charge of the environmental permit of a huge nickel and uranium mine in Northern...
The Mine
Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper...
One winter in the 1930’s somewhere in northern Finland, a first communion ceremony is interrupted by the arrival of mobile dental surgery. All...
God's Teeth
Elli is a biology student who likes to party and sleep around. Her part-time cleaning job doesn't even cover her rent, but a chance encounter with a...
Emilia is a suburban kid. She goes to school, lives with her Mom and sometimes her Dad, and her life couldn’t be more ordinary. But one day...
Super Furball