The passing of the years is merciless for everyone. In the film, seven seemingly ordinary characters lead their lives seeking, each one, what they...
Nando, a 12 year old boy, narrates the adventures of his father Antonio, during the 60s in Brazil, who leaves the inland of the state of Minas to go...
The Other Side of Paradise
A 40-year-old world-famous chef with anger management issues is assigned to run a cooking class at a centre for young people with autism.
As Needed
A film about the reunion of a family broken by the pain and because of the pain can be reunited. An intense story, told in a soft and sensitive way,...
My Country
Um Assalto de Fé
Follows the story of Johannes Van Almeida, a painter who was just released from prison and wants to start his life anew, but everything changes when...
Vermelho Monet