In a dystopian future, the world is suffering from overpopulation. A group of radicals calling themselves the "Enthusiasts" are trying to prove the...
The Shell
A video call between a husband and wife unravels after hearing a knock at their door.
Call from Kelly
A successful Youtuber is aging out of the platform in her mid-20s, and struggling to redefine herself in the world outside her social media bubble
Under the Influencer
What begins as a million-dollar reality show competition between seven beautiful women turns into a battle for life itself when one contestant uses...
Blood Pageant
As 'alternative facts' began to overrun every corner of free speech, Western Civilization found itself divided like never before. Shouting replaced...
Taking place in 1992 during the era of grunge and outdoor gay cruising, we follow two strangers who meet while hiking a once-popular area for gay men...
Devil's Path