During World War II, a secret agent must seduce then assassinate an official who works for the Japanese puppet government in Shanghai. Her mission...
Lust, Caution
The film follows the rise and fall of a family in Shanghai. Once wealthy and capitalist, the family unraveled during the Cultural Revolution in the...
Shanghai Story
Wanyu (Yuan Quan) has married into a wealthy family but is irresistibly drawn into the world of the movies and famous actor Ah Chuan.
Shanghai Rumba
Women’s Story was the first work to garner international acclaim for Peng Xiaolian. It is about three women living in China’s northern...
Women's Story
A ballet director is killed by his own dog, the police believes that it is a murder.
The Dog Homicide
When a second-in-a-second schoolboy student, was transferred to Shichuan in the north of the Yangtze River. He was not hopeful for his life. He...
The Metamorphosis