Sophie is a troubled young girl, haunted by the abuse she suffered as a child and harbouring a deep fascination with the unexplained. In the hope of...
On a regular morning, MI6 operative, Jenny calls at her colleague’s house on their usual car pool run to the office. What she discovers sparks...
The Service
Melanie's life in a seaside town is going nowhere until she meets Ray, back in town with a shady job to do. A moment's escape becomes a chance to...
Everyone's Going to Die
The Hunger Games heads back to the Dark Ages when a group of five young Saxons is captured by a clan of fearsome Viking warriors and used as prey in...
Viking: The Berserkers
Matt, a smart student, has to prove his innocence after being forced to take part in a bold heist at a famous London auction house. The consequences...
Late Shift