An American nun embarks on a new journey when she joins a remote convent in the Italian countryside. However, her warm welcome quickly turns into a...
Demetrio Perez is a tough prosecutor torn between the corruption inherent in his job and the desire to do right by his family. But when opportunity...
In a near future, a man wakes up in a hospital to find out he’s lost all his memories in a car accident. He is temporarily named Mickey and is...
Cloud One
Ma chi ti conosce?
A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.
Bob & Marys
On Andrea's birthday, his boss asks him to babysit his son while he's away for work: while Andrea is babysitting, his friends arrive and throw a big...
I babysitter
Naples, early 1980s. The strained marriage between Aldo and Vanda is fractured one evening when Aldo admits, unprompted, his infidelity. Equally hurt...
The Ties
Blending animated storytelling with intimate narration, this documentary paints a soulful portrait of the anonymous Neapolitan singer known as...
Liberato's Secret