Story of an ordinary village in which ordinary villagers, humble and hardworking people, used to live happy and peaceful lives when one day villagers...
Lion, a boy of lion's heart, can't make decision which one of the two girls to chose - tender Mihaela or fatal Marjeta. The girls decide to make...
The Lion Is Coming
After his wife's death a middle-aged man and his friends become increasingly agitated and violent towards the suburbs they inhabit.
Tragedy doesn’t come any more Dickensian in tone or Shakespearian in scope than this dark social drama of the disintegration of a little family...
Two partisans in the Yugoslav war of liberation fight their way through the enemy lines, where they meet all sorts of different people who show just...
Wonderful Dust
Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a...
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of...