Meet Bud Howard, an endearing yet unemployed lazy slacker who lives with his mother Mary Jane and younger sister Divine in a quiet neighborhood in...
Budz House
A coming-of-age comedy about a beach volleyball prodigy struggling to find himself on and off the court.
Jake's How-To
When the old mentor of 7 killers finds out he has terminal cancer, he gives them all an opportunity at his fortune to prove themselves for one night...
The Charisma Killers
Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its...
Atlas Shrugged: Part III
Desperate for a good story, a sex-addicted journalist throws himself into the world of high-class escorts when he starts following a...
The Escort
A single mother signs up for self-defense classes from a handsome instructor. But he develops a frightening obsession with her and orchestrates an...
Fatal Defense
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
The Brides of Sodom
Neo-Nazis and bigoted police oppress and target vulnerable Sikhs & Asians in post 9-11 America.
I Am Singh
Guilt stricken detective, Archy, is searching the city for a missing teenage girl while in the company of a dark, inhuman presence.