Tells the story of five new students at the National College of Malaya discovering the dark secrets that haunt their school. Zul and his friends are...
Dendam Penunggu
Gol & Gincu Vol. 2 tells a story about Zakiah (Zak) and Zakiah (Yaya) who are two self-centered University students with the same name but very...
Gol & Gincu Vol. 2
"CEO" is about two men with very different backgrounds. Adam (Remy) is a CEO of a successful corporate company while Sufian (Beto) is only a pizza...
Johan, Syafiq and Zed are left orphaned after the unexpected death of their parents in a car accident. As these three brothers love their rugged...
Hantu Rumah Sakit Jiwa
This year, Singapore comedian Gurmit Singh of Phua Chu Kang fame will be taking part, while a show regular,...
Lawak Ke Der 2018
Dono, Kasino, and Indro's adventure continues. They have to search for the treasure to pay their debts. They travel to Malaysia, but the bags with...
Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss! Part 2
Isabella is an ex-convict who has sworn off her life of crime. Unfortunately, her old gang boss wants her to do one last drug transaction and kidnaps...
After moving to Kuala Lumpur, Diana lands a secretary job at an ironworks owned by her husband's old college friend, possibly the world's worst boss.
My Stupid Boss
Bringing back memories of fasting, celebrations, festivals, sightseeing and grooming practices and much more that people in the past used to do, from...
Terobek Raya
A popular movie star, famous for her gossip mongering, aspires to produce a movie entitled 'Dendam Berbalas' and convinces director Rahim G to help...
Bikin Filem
A dysfunctional family is thrown into chaos when a lonely, wandering Saka decides to possess the body of their youngest. After a failed consultation...
Saka Nan Sepi
Tells the story of Delen a teenager who tries his best to seduce Emily. However, the presence of a new actor, Robert, who has an attractive and...