Katie Heaton lives with her older brother, Wes, in their remote childhood home that sits in the middle of nowhere in a small town in Southeastern...
The Demon Deep in Oklahoma
A brother's journey to unravel the truth about the mythic death and little known life of Kitty Genovese, who was reportedly murdered in front of 38...
The Witness
A wealthy couple hires their cousin to be the surrogate for the child they are unable to have on their own, but chaos ensues when the woman holds the...
Sordid Things
3 brothers are reunited after their grandfather suffers a heart attack. The Granger men, Jace, Caden and Dalton promise their dying grandfather that...
A Brother's Honor
Guided by the ghost of her daughter, a guilt ridden mother plunges into madness through the course of drug fueled fever dream.
Lilly Lives Alone