Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, is in for a shock when on his 14th birthday his first 'warfing' goes awry, turning him into...
100% Wolf
When Freddy Lupin's wayward wish transforms him into a werewolf and deposits a mischievous moon sprite on Earth, Freddy must restore the cosmic order...
200% Wolf
For four outcast teens, summer detention means being assigned to clean their high school after a horrific incident. But they are not alone; a macabre...
The Dead Ones
A man and woman begin a complex affair over 72 hours in a Las Vegas penthouse, where the repercussions of actions uncover layers, and neither life...
The Last Days of Capitalism
A lovable Vietnamese manicurist, Dong Hung, desperately needs to fly to Vietnam within 24 hours to donate his kidney for a transplant to save his...
You Have a Nice Flight