About a race of alien robots that have conquered Earth and forced humanity underground. After 400 years, a small group of humans develop a plan to...
Four young women driving across the desert to Las Vegas have their road trip turned upside-down when they pick up a handsome, seemingly-friendly...
The Hitchhiker
A babysitter begins receiving threatening phone calls from a man who has just killed an entire family.
When a Killer Calls
A team of vampire hunters set out to battle an evil vampire clan in the dark underworld.
Dracula's Curse
A handful of insults and fighting best friends, not quite the Birthday presents every girl hopes for. Melissa s not every girl. She is determined to...
2 Million Stupid Women
Love blooms between Samantha (Amanda Baumann) and married man Chris (Edward F. Villaume), but trouble strikes when they are spotted together by...
Things You Don't Tell
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock...
The Scenesters