This popular international series continues with this third volume of five short films focusing on men, including: Vanilla [Baunilha] (2017);...
Male Shorts: International V3
In Hanna's life everything suddenly seems to fall apart. Accused of her husband's heinous murder, she is forced to flee to Hungary to defend the only...
Anthropophagus: Legacy
In the 1970s, a British sound technician is brought to Italy to work on the sound effects for a gruesome horror film. His nightmarish task slowly...
Berberian Sound Studio
A quintet is an omnibus feature told from the perspective of five international up and coming filmmakers who are searching to find identity in the...
A Quintet
Giuseppe, 33, is still struggling to build his life in a small Italian town where he has to hide his homosexuality. With a Polaroid in hand, he...