The story takes place in a hospital. The new and young head doctor Johary, recently returned to the country after brilliant studies abroad, falls...
A mishap caused a new argument between the two protagonists families and ended up postponing the marriage plan between Johary and Bakoly again...
Malok'ila 2
Third instalment of the franchise, following the life of Rajao and Randrenja's families.
Malok'ila 3
Fourth instalment of the franchise, focusing on the troubles involving Johary, Bakoly and Landy.
Malok'ila 4
Fifth instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 5
Sixth instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 6
Seventh instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 7
Ninth instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 9
Tenth instalment of the franchise which portrays the far-from-average life of a Malagasy character in a humorous way, with suspense, fights, comedy,...
Malok'ila 10
Portrays the far-from-average life of a Malagasy character in a humorous way, with suspense, fights, comedy, and adventures.
Malok'Ila 13
Fourteenth instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 14
Eleventh instalment of the franchise.
Malok'ila 11
After the disappearance of Randrenja, a powerful businessman, the family is torn apart over his inheritance. Between drama and comedy, this...
Malok'ila 15