A triptych of youth-oriented stories set in a small New Brunswick town. Follow Jeff and Kristine into the woods for a night of forbidden passion that...
A horror anthology comprised of four distinct segments that feature a raucous combination of satirical humor, horror, gore, and enough surprises to...
In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides...
The Northlander
Jack Peterson, a widowed father of three young children, encounters Ginny Newsom, a wildlife biologist, whose mission is tracking trumpeter swans, a...
Away and Back
While adjusting to a new life in the suburban community of Aspen Ridge, a recently divorced mother of two receives mysterious letters instructing her...
Red Letter Day
An innocent young man, Jack, goes on an epic quest to rescue his sister Lula after she has been kidnapped by the violent killer Cut Throat Bill and...
The Thicket