Johnny Barnes, an otherwise average man trying to survive in a world being taken over by zombies, is infected by an alpha-female zombie. To his...
A group of moms celebrating ladys night are forced to fight for their lives when their quiet town is overrun by a ravenous horde of flesh eating...
Milfs vs. Zombies
A chemical company in the mountains of western Maryland secretly dump their toxic waste causing the trees to crave human flesh! Things go from bad to...
Radioactive Flesh Eating Foliage
6 years after a group of friends went missing on a trip to a cabin in the woods, Kara, the younger sister of Aeron, is still determined to find out...
Return of the Slasher Nurse
In 1986, counsellors at Camp Trustfall are preparing for the new summer. It's all fun and games until one of the new counsellors goes missing. Now,...
Bloody Summer Camp