Ren struggles with the death of his longtime friend Kaoru. He finds a painting of a girl that Kaoru left behind. Ren sets out on a journey to find...
Tokyo Sunrise
Hibino Tsubaki is a young teenage girl with a talent for styling other people's hair. Yet, Tsubaki suffers from low self-esteem and isn't very...
Love for Beginners
A high school girl finds a wallet full of money and tracks down its owner, leading to unexpected consequences for the girl and her friends.
About the Pink Sky
In the year 1868, three young men join the elite Shogitai division of the Shogunate. The Shogitai fights to the end and opposes the dismantling of...
Kei Omori did not have anything he wanted to do with his life. Without any specific reasons, he enrolled in a special nursing school. After his...
Care Nin
A 122 year old movie theater is going to be closed. The staff members, visitors and friends of the old cinema will see the last days of the building...
Cinema Angel
Masaru Mitamura, Jiro Uchiyama and Kosaku Oshima work at the "Enjeru-sha”. They take client's requests by making a fictional scenario and as...