Based on various horror and ghost tales set in universities, the film centers around some students who encounter paranormal events in their...
Haunted Universities
Lek is a locksmith and Kong is a writer. When Kong comes up with a plan to put Leks lock picking skills to good use, the two start breaking into...
Ake, Whan, Don, and Moe are four high-school friends who always misbehave and never focus on school. When the time for their college entrance exams...
Vow of Death
A group of teens gets involved in the underground football betting scene where lots of money can be quickly won or lost.
Goal Club
Ahimsa is a young man who's haunted by his karma, which takes the form of a mysterious red-haired man who dishes out abuse when Ahimsa runs afoul of...
Ahimsa: Stop to Run
Introducing to you a new kind of horror and scary storytelling with the 4 thrills, 4 surprises, 4 emotions, and 4 enjoyable stories.
Koe is a ticket boy on the bus who does the best for his routine job. He also a co-worker with Lha, the moody bus driver who often quarrels to the...
Bus Lane
Three short horror tales make up Heaven and Hell. The movie use images from surveillance cameras set up in a person's home and in a convenience store.
Heaven and Hell
Soccer coach Byrd is persuaded by teacher Noo Lek to help coach ten of the school's kindergarteners students for a tug-of-war tournament being staged...
Dream Team
Two students dissect the dead body of a pregnant woman to turn her unborn baby into a dark magic charm which they believe can grant their wishes. Not...
The Snow White