The story revolves around Dr. Aarti Deshmukh, a mother of a daughter, is tasked with investigating the medical systems involved in female foeticide....
Pandu and Mhadu are small-time stand-up comedians in small village of Maharashtra who catch the eye of powerful politician Babasaheb Pathare who has...
The historical rearguard last stand that took place on 13 July 1660 at a mountain pass in the vicinity of fort Vishalgad, near the city of Kolhapur,...
A political background based musical love story set in 80's. Vishwas Patil's Chandramukhi is an excellent novel that weaves together the worlds of...
Pushkar, Ajinkya and Kautilya are extremely reckless and mischievous. Life seemed really easy for them until their fathers order them to go into...
Teen Adkun Sitaram
A school teacher goes back to his village with dreams to settle down in his ancestral home, only to find out that a powerful builder is hounding him...
Kho Kho
An esteemed, prestigious court dancer is challenged by the holistic views of society as she is seen as an impure woman who just entertains, but the...