The story of a young, pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident. As her life unravels, Nathalie finds...
The High Cost of Living
Simon Paquet, rédacteur-concepteur de refrains publicitaires dans une agence, devient obsédé par son travail à un point...
Le hautbois accorde l'orchestre
Aurelie Laflamme feels alone in the world, especially since her father's death five years ago. What if her father had been an alien who left Earth to...
Aurélie Laflamme's Diary
Jean-Charles has an unusual relationship with his mother. He can't break free of her influence even when writing his master's thesis, made up of...
How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause
This is the story of Gerard, an man who miraculy survived to an explosion that destroyed his appartment and killed a lot of people. During the next...
8:17pm, Darling Street