Set during the second world war, the sentimental education of a sensual adolescent girl, growing out of her childhood in a small, impoverished...
The Nymph
El pan debajo del brazo
J.R. has been shot in his sensitive parts. After spending a season in the hospital, and anxious for revenge, he returns to find the culprit. He is...
J.R. contraataca (La dinastia de J.R.)
A Spanish "Dallas" parody.
Le llamaban J.R.
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is...
The Angry Cid
Las cosas de Pepe da Rosa
Los alegres bribones
Se acabó el petróleo