Fact-based story about Irish crime-investigating reporter Sinead Hamilton, who invaded the Irish underworld and attempted to expose the illegitimate...
When the Sky Falls
Mixing classroom dramatization with documentary material, interviews with former students who recall barbaric punishments in the name of learning,...
Our Boys
Michael Collins plays a crucial role in the establishment of the Irish Free State in the 1920s, but becomes vilified by those hoping to create a...
Michael Collins
In pre-famine Ireland when poverty and magic were rife, introverted farm girl Maura discovers a magical world of the imagination through the...
The Outcasts
Directed by Tiernan MacBride, this short film – nominated for a Palme d’Or in 1978 for Best Short Film – is a visual representation...
Christmas Morning
An impressionistic look at Irish emigrants in London, representing the emigrant's journey, a confusion of anticipation, memories and experience.
On a Paving Stone Mounted
Traffic is delayed on the edge of a roadwork site, but what are the council workers doing? A privileged encounter with a secret somber ritual of...
Men of the Earth