Amidst a brutal civil war in Brazil, a couple seeks to start a new life in a house deep in the woods. But their dreams of tranquility are shattered...
Burn the Dead
Maria Luíza is a seven-year-old child who lives a happy life with her family. Her naivety is struck when she discovers that her mother is in...
O Barulho da Noite
Obsessed with questions about his past, a bankrupt, white Brazilian filmmaker undertakes an epic journey from Brazil to Mozambique and Portugal. This...
A Yellow Animal
Ingrid Savoy, a Brazilian celebrity set to take part in a reality show, spends her days confined to a hotel room. Amid premonitory visions, a...
The Whispers that Killed Me
How Do You See Me? is a Brazilian documentary feature that entwines both experienced actors and beginners to explore the hardships and the happiness...
How Do You See Me?
A group of friends, who resisted the military dictatorship, and their children will face the conflict between the daily life of today and the past...
Memories They Told Me