Triumphantly premiered in 1724 at the King's Theatre in London, George Frideric Handel's Giulio Cesare in Egitto masterfully combines human emotions:...
Giulio Cesare in Egitto
In the depths of the Rhine, the three Rhinemaidens guard the Rhinegold, a treasure of immeasurable value. The Nibelung dwarf Alberich is dazzled by...
The Metropolitan Opera: Das Rheingold
Benjamin Britten’s opera Gloriana was written in 1953 for celebrations around the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to whom the...
Britten: Gloriana
David McVicar’s production of Giulio Cesare manages to combine serious insight with entertainment, bringing Handel's masterpiece to life in a...
Giulio Cesare
Alban Berg's black, satirical opera is one of the masterpieces of the 20th Century. It charts the rise and fall of a femme fatale "created to make...
David McVicar’s inventive hit production of Handel’s most popular opera sets the story of Caesar’s conquest of Egypt—and of...
The Metropolitan Opera: Giulio Cesare
Handel: Agrippina
Serse is perhaps Handel's most intriguing operas. Rediscovered at the 1924 Göttingen Handel Festival, the work soon became one of the composer's...
This recording of the opera Ariane et Barbe-Bleue by Paul Dukas was staged at the Liceu in Barcelona in 2011, with Claus Guth as director,...
Ariane et Barbe-Bleue
The Coronation of Poppea was the début production from critically acclaimed stage director Ole Anders Tandberg in the Norwegian Opera &...
L'Incoronatione Di Poppea - Oslo
Praised by critics as “magnificent”, “breathtakingly theatrical” and full of “zestful imagination”, Melly...
Dvořák: Rusalka