Young couple Hunter and Olive navigate their relationship with Evelyn, Olive’s disapproving and obsessively religious mother. When a mysterious...
The Holy Path
A grieving lover embarks on a dark journey through memory, a lonely cleaner develops an unhealthy fixation on her boss, and a young couple find...
Her Dark Reflection
A troubled teenager must save her little sister from a bloodthirsty fairy lurking in the forest before it devours them both.
Feast on the Young
A girl tries to deal with a tragedy she blames herself for on the first anniversary of it's happening.
In the once quiet school library at St Marks College, Zane, James and Mitch are met head-on with the challenges of their final school year....
The Library Boys
Junior races the clock to rescue her estranged brother from insane UFO cultists rumored to have supernatural powers.
The Lawless
A fairly prolific young writer struggling for her next story is drugged and wakes up tied to a chair in a room ripped right out of one of her more...
The Lonesome Room