This fictional film tells the story of the adventures of five young people who finally discover the weapon of wisdom. Set against the backdrop of a...
Silat legenda
Hooperz tells the story of a group of young girls who plays for their netball team. The variation of characters and backgrounds of the team players...
Ahmad Daniel has everything a young man could wish for; loving parents, megabucks and girls, girls and girls. But when he first set his sights on...
Soal Hati
Ah Lok Kafe is a trendy little place in Kuala Lumpur and is a family-run business currently owned by Tan Ah Lok, who happens to be a die-hard Elvis...
Ah Lok Kafe
A leisurely picnic takes a tragic turn when Ramlah sees a mysterious figure abducts her son and disappears. Shortly after, she begins encountering...
The shadow of an African immigrant in an abandoned house was mistaken for a ghost and the hilarious situations that ensued, creating havoc in a...
Men Who Save the World