Two young women find themselves struggling to survive in Paris, street-wise Nathalie, a stripper, and naïve Sandrine, a barmaid. Together, they...
Secret Things
Single man, Eric Fleury runs the 'wooden toys' family company which is closed to bankruptcy and is about to be taken over by the Group Romance. Eric...
XY, drôle de conception
When the War of Independence ends, a widow must find a roof for her six children. Luckily, a Frenchman about to leave offers her the house he is...
The Trip To Algiers
Faut pas faire chier Albert !
Pour Le Temps que ça Dure
Xavier Alvarez est un petit architecte d'Aix-en-Provence en recherche perpétuelle de reconnaissance sociale. Il s'est fait tout seul et...
Bitter Victory
Le monde de Fred