Hanya Aku Cinta Kau Seorang" (H.A.C.K.S.) tells the tale of a woman named Murni who is on a quest to find her soulmate. Her best friends Mukhlis and...
Hanya Aku Cinta Kau Seorang
A journey into the dark side of gangsterism and drugs. The movie begins with a young Castello growing up surrounded by criminal activities in Sungai...
Just after the tragic death of her fiance, Karlina (Liyana Jasmay) encounters strange dreams that call upon her return to her mother’s village....
5 ex-wife. One true love. Are you brave enough? Hafiz was a man who believed in love, but unlucky in love. In early adolescence before, he was...
X: Janda-Jandaku Gangster
"Nongkrong" features three different men named Aman (Angah), Bada (Sam) and Cumi (Epy) who try to obtain riches through lazy means, by buying lottery...
Episode 1: Su is on her way home from university. There is another young woman (Fadilah) on the bus. An eerie feeling accompanies Lina on the bus. ...