The Ideal Squad is a Comedy, revolving around the duo Khue (Hoang Oanh) and Phong (Hua Vi Van). After a chance encounter, the duo drags Bay Cuc (Vo...
The Ideal Squad
They - girls who have just experienced a beautiful youth are standing at the crossroads of the age of 30, carrying a lot of worries and confiding.
Thiên Linh Cái: Chuyện Chưa Kể
After suffering a family tragedy, a widower named Thanh moves his two daughters to a centuries-old ancestral home. Both daughters fall prey to sleep...
The Ancestral
Mr. Thai is a retired police officer. Every day, he still goes looking for petty criminals. Hoang - a newly released drug lord opened a real estate...
Extremely Easy Job
The return of Nam and his girlfriend Xuan brings countless troubles to the family. He gradually discovers the broken relationships of the family...
Crimson Snout
Set in the poor Mekong Delta coastal village of Thơm Rơm, the film follows the lives of three women, whose love lives are unusual and...
Glorious Ashes
After being injured in a car accident, Thu - a blind girl came to the police to report the incident that she believed had become a murder. But...
Invisible Evidence
Set in a poor countryside in the Southwest region in the 1990s, That Son Tam Linh tells the story in which the central character is a scholar with an...
In 1967, as the Vietnam War raged, a Vietnamese revolutionary guerrilla team became the U.S. military's top target—charged with safeguarding a...