The third installment in the Lucky Stars series, following Winners and Sinners and My Lucky Stars. The team are released from prison to play...
Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars
Joey was at the age of twenty-two and she was an independent and cheerful girl. She worked in an advertising company and she met a boy named Chiu...
Walking Beside Me
The beautiful Cherie Chung plays the title character, an exercise teacher who is wooed by a rich, older businessman and a young photographer. You...
Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to...
Those Merry Souls
Hung is a street-wise smart aleck and Mak is his dumb sidekick. They are partners, mostly in unlawful jobs. One night, the two are spotted by Zaza in...
Crazy Romance