Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his...
Mars Needs Women
When a former member of a religious cult dies in a mysterious accident, Martha, who now lives alone and close to the cult's church, begins to fear...
Deadly Blessing
A misguided scientist enables an alien from Venus named Zontar to come to earth in order to "help solve man's problems". However, as soon as Zontar...
Zontar: The Thing from Venus
The last seven survivors of a nuclear war barricade themselves against an attack by a mutant cannibal.
In the Year 2889
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past...
Creature of Destruction
In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people...
Beyond the Time Barrier
Western by Larry Buchanan.
Julie leaves her marriage to investigate a mysterious sci-fi cult on behalf of frustrated women everywhere.
Things to Come