Tina (28) lives in what appears to be an idyllic marriage in town on the Adriatic coast. She is a housewife who takes care of their six-year-old...
Only When I Laugh
"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan...
Long Dark Night
After the death of her father, young scientist Ana struggles with an identity crisis, being the last member of a once large family. The changes...
Arriving on an island, a young woman embarks on a journey to discover her identity and place in the world. Her experiences on the island unravel a...
My Late Summer
The film is a high-concept project with five stories exploring the themes of motherhood and pregnancy, directed by women filmmakers from five former...
Some Other Stories
Nena recently started working as a school assistant to seven-year-old Dejan who has learning disabilities. It's one of the first Nena's grown-up...
Soft Creatures
A big family reunion at the weekend cottage around traditional food preparation "kotlovina" (pig on a spit and lots of drinking) with quaintly...
Life Is a Trumpet has a loose jazz musician as the groom, a butcher as his father, and two families of different backgrounds whose members are not as...
Life Is a Trumpet
A godforsaken mountain village is the only home that a young football player, a miser peasant and a fat girl have. This isolated part of the country...
The Lika Cinema
The Trampoline is not a romantic love story - it is a film about a powerful and sometimes double-edged love, and the darker side of a mother-daughter...
The Trampoline
It is no wonder for a son to have the miraculous powers of his father, but when he discovers love, that's the true miracle.
True Miracle
The thematic framework of the anthology feature film DEEP CUTS is violence in all of its forms: as a destruction of intimacy, family, integrity,...
Deep Cuts
The Prišt brothers are at a crossroads, preparing for their acting studies. Krešo, the older brother, has a hump and too much...
Keep Calm and Snap
After their son has been beaten up in the street, parents find their world of false security collapsing and have to re-examine their lives and...
These Are the Rules