Dikshul is a 1943 Bengali film produced by New Theatres Ltd. Directed by Premankur Atorthy, the film featured music by Pankaj Mullick and...
Bhupen is an excellent student who works as a private tutor to support his education and family. He begins to teach Sandhya who is a rich man's...
Ratrir Tapasya
Eldest brother brings up the orphaned brother single handed along with his (later) second wife's child-widow cousin. When they grow up and marry, the...
The story revolves around the last life crisis of Jamini Mohan and his wife. After his retirement, Jamini Mohan and his wife Santoshini continued to...
Jog Biyog
The story is a simple tale of a great soul Sarbananda based on a simple village. Shambhu is a small boy raised up by his mother and grandfather....
This story is as Ashoke Mukherjee is a well educated, honest, sincere and hardworking person who lives with his mother. Gopa, his lover lives in his...
Jiban Mrityu
A 1941 Bengali Drama Film directed by Pramathesh Barua.
Mayer Pran
Trouble ensues when an eccentric but simple-minded villager discovers he is the only living heir of a royal estate.
A 1970 Bengali Drama Film directed by Pijush Bose.
Duti Mon
Lalu and Chinta are neighbours and extremely good friends. One morning both of die and reach hell. However Yandyut exclaims that there was a mistake...
Swarga Martya
Kakoli and Sukanto meet in a library reading room. They gradually grow closer to each other and start meeting frequently. One day, she visits Sukanto...
Pratham Kadam Phool