The crew of a local horror movie showcase, used to broadcasting creepy stories of heinous killers, finds themselves trapped with a real killer among...
When a lonely man finds out the love of his life has a conjoined twin, who happens to be a serial killer, he must take drastic measures to keep his...
The CIA and a rogue assassin attempt to expose the source behind a corporate global intelligence ring inciting war for profit.
In the summer of 1982, a group of campers was horribly slaughtered at Camp Arapaho in the sleepy little town of Woodland Hills. The 10 gruesome...
Convinced her roommate's new fiancé is the man who abducted and raped her, a young law student, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder,...
Killing Mr. Right
A group of college students travel to a small Texas town to research the Legend of Blood Lake, an obscure folktale forged by events surrounding the...
Dawn of the Crescent Moon
The hunt is on as a government assassin comes out of retirement to track down a killer extraterrestrial murdering the former members of his team in...