Story begins five years after Vincent a serial torturer is presumed murdered, but his body is never found. The film twists and turns through a maze...
The Legacy
Two families, Sebkovi and Krausovi, are celebrating Christmas, but not everyone is in a good mood. The teenage kids think that their fathers are...
Cosy Dens
When miners blast for gold in the 1870's, they accidentally release ancient creatures known as Tommyknockers. The Town of Deer Creek, Nevada is soon...
Night of the Tommyknockers
Vetřelci v Coloradu
Comedy about soldiers.
Otec neznámý aneb cesta do hlubin duše výstrojního náčelníka
Rendy and Jáchym have enough of spending New Year's Eve with their parents plus they want to learn how to ride a snowboard. They have not yet...
The Ro(c)k con Artists
Long live the knights!
Old guilt, forgiveness and a new love. After 20 years in the French Foreign Legion, Martin returns to his Czech hometown. As soon as he arrives, he...
Korunní princ