This tale centers on seven exceptional women who defy gender norms, showcasing their unwavering dedication and resilience in joining an institution...
The Buy Bust Queen
The lives of three women change when a new beauty product arrives.
Beauty in a Bottle
Three fashionista friends who are popular on social media attempt to have some offline fun by trying to contact spirits using the age-old Spirit of...
Spirit of the Glass 2: The Haunted
Despite obvious differences, easy-go-lucky kitchen naive Ronnie (Zanjoe Marudo) and chef restaurateur Benjie (Empoy Marquez) have been best friends...
Kusina Kings
Migs needs to settle a huge debt to a loan shark. When Migs explains that he doesn't have the money yet, the loan shark proposes that he could settle...
Pinay Beauty
A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for...
Hello, Love, Goodbye